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Cutting Ties

Psychological and spiritual
emancipation towards freedom


With Kristiano Puma Aguilar

JULY 21ST & 22ND 11AM (UTC)

We will enter a space where the Taytas and Mamachas of the Andes nourish us, here we will drink and transmit the wisdom and the Andean Cosmovision.

The healing of our energetic body is the key that will lead us to a journey of psychological and spiritual emancipation because the true transformation occurs when we go beyond the rational mind and reach the deep mind.

The etheric body is a space where the magic happens, but also where our deepest prisons are, where the energetic threads that tie us to beings and situations are.

In this course we will work with the language of symbols and with the imagination that springs spontaneously from our subconscious so that we can access and perceive the harmful patterns and definitively cut the ties with the relationships of the past that continue to populate our life, our thoughts, occupying space in our being, absorbing our vital energy, and keeping us in places of psychological, emotional and energetic dependence, in a state of vampirism.

What are you going to receive in this course?

- 2 live meetings on 21st and 22nd July at 11am (UTC), of approximately 1h30min each, via Zoom. Links will be sent privately. Recordings will be available right after the classes. 


- Andean Cosmovision, energetic body, bonds, and karma.
- How to protect ourselves from spiritual vampirism?
- How to heal those we hurt?
- Awakening the creative imagination

- Ritual of Cutting Ties


- E-book with Course Content
- E-book: 5 Rituals of Protection
- 40 days of Personal Virtual Follow-up

Contribution is of 100USD.
With previous registration and a limited number of participants.
To register, please click here:


Kristiano Puma Aguilar is a kuraka, amauta and guide of the Ayllu Mística Andina.
Since childhood, he has nurtured a deep interest in mysticism. A disciple of the Mística Andina Path since 2009, he facilitates courses and initiations on the Andean tradition within the School, such as Rainbow Bridges, Power Animals Karpay, and others. Most of all, he is dedicated to studying and understanding spirituality through direct experience and community service, uniting different traditions in complementarity.


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